The Product Overview
GKF series high eficiency energy-saving fans are widely used in the production of paint, tobaccodrying, wood drying, a variety of crop drying, rubber production, drug production and factory'sworkshop, studio, warehouse, basement and other places for ventilation and exhaust, lt has theadvantages of novel structure, beautiful appearance, superior performance; with high temperatureand humidity resistance, large air volume, high wind pressure, high efficiency energy efficient, lownoise, convenient maintenance, etc.. Fan transmit non-corrosive, no obvious gray gas, gas containingdust and hard particles not more than 150mg/m3.This series of products are divided into 11 machine numbers according to the diferent impellerdiameter , respectively in turn NO.2.5,3,3.5,4,5,5.5,6,7,8,9,10. The blades of each machine can beinstalled to the desired angle of the customer.Under the allowable conditions, the impeller peripheral speed is matched with the following threekinds of revolutions: 2900r / min, 1450r / min, 960r / min. Facing the direction of the inlet the impellerare counterclockwise rotation.
For the machine size and impeller diameter different, blade adjustable , the spindle speed slow or fastetc.The air volume, wind pressure and power consumption are also different, the wind pressure from55Pa~400Pa, the air flow from 1000m3 /h~ 40000m3 /h. (See performance table for details)The gas through the fan should be non-flammable, non-explosive, non-corrosive, non-sticky materialand significant dust, the temperature shall not exceed 130 ℃℃.The fan is composed of three parts: motor, impeller and air collectorMotor parts: aluminum alloy shell, fasteners with stainless steel, insulation class F / H level, protectionclass lP54 / lP55, continuous operation in the high temperature and humidity environment for a longtime.
Impeller: by the blade, wheel hub and other components, the blade made of aluminum alloydie-casting, installation angle fastened to the wheel hub according to the required.Air Collector : by the blower tube, the base and the supporting plate, use the special material to makecircular arc-type, spinning forming by the spinning machine.
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